❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality. ❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality. ❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality.


Is the Cell Fellowship of the Church, where members meet for bonding. It provides an opportunity for everyone to experience love first hand, as we provoke one another to good works and all-round development. It is targeted at raising a network of positive influencers, giving everyone the right to be well catered for spiritually, mentally and emotionally. With the home connect system, you can never be lost in the crowd.


Our men’s fellowship consisting of all men from the age of eighteen is designed to prepare men as real fathers, loving husbands, good sons and caring brothers. Here, God continues to bring clarity and colour to every man’s life to fulfill destiny, as the head of the body and so important to God.


Our women’s fellowship consisting of all women/Ladies above eighteen. Like our men, our ladies are prepared as role models, virtuous mothers, respectful daughters, and loving sisters. We believe that by meeting together, we can grow together, encourage one another, speak life to one another, and share in each other’s burden as well as one another's joy. Our 1st Ladies Club encourages fellowship and breeds love among all women/ladies.


Our youth and singles fellowship. This is where everyone youthful at heart (married or single) is raised to be mentally focused and confident; to be emotionally stable and morally upright without compromise, and to become useful and productive leaders, reformers and positive influencers. By fellowshipping together, great potentials are discovered and maximized as a graceful breed and a take-over generation is raised.


Our youth and singles fellowship. The Junior (children) Church is where children from 6months- 12 years are raised to become global positive giants; by helping them develop a relationship with God in their tender age, through sound Christian faith and values. The teaching here is mixed with fun and excitement. We believe every child is unique and created by God with their own personality, gifts and abilities; and we encourage and help every child to grow and maximize this divine investment in them through the ministry of well-trained gifted teachers and care- givers.


All the ministries at The Master’s Place have one thing in common; fellowship and raising positive influencers. We create fantastic opportunities and programmes for our Men, Women, Youths, Children and Senior Citizens to get together to seek God, Celebrate His faithfulness, and be empowered to establish His kingdom here on earth.

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