❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality. ❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality. ❕NEW BOOK ALERT -[ MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM ] Yes, MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM is our new book that exposes the real personality behind the struggles in marriage that make it seem like a deception. It also teaches the right response to that personality.

Assistant who wont leave

The lack of an assistant who is devoted to you and the mission is one of the main problems facing ministries and even organisations today. Finding assistants who will support a leader through the thick and thin and will loyally advance the agenda of a leader is getting harder and harder.
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